Friday, September 23, 2011

Mehndi Designs For Hands - What Do They Mean?

Mehndi designs for hand are very popular in the Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia and are getting very popular in other parts of the world. Mehndi is the application of art known as henna tattoos and designs on various places on the body for special occasions and events.

Mehndi designs for hand is usually applied to the bride before the wedding day or other special occasions like parties and gatherings representing fertility and love. Today it has become very popular and many people are now applying mehndi designs for hands just for fun.

Let's have a look at some of the most popular symbols used in the design and see what they represent.

scorpion or growing grapes in your design can represent love and protection from evil eye.

Add camel lips, flowers, leaves and other floral patterns in the design of the fertility.

Setting up the design of the mandala represents the wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

Ganesh, the elephant god in design means good health and protection from evil.

Work in Paisley Peacock or symbols represents love, fertility and happiness.

Some traditions in Asian countries is to hide the groom's name or initials somewhere in the bridal mehndi designs by hand. If he can not be found, he must give the bride a gift. It is also likely to mean that the bride will be dominant in the relationship.

Another belief is that the darker the design of the bride, more mother-in-law will love her new daughter.

I hope you now have a little better understanding of Mehndi designs for hand and what some of the various symbols and patterns to design means. Now you can start working on your next design, and add some new meaning and character.